Three of them to be exact. Two topics of our choosing, one you pick. And you get full promotional and posting rights.
social media
We'll create three social media posts within the major platforms. We'll post. You post. Doube the exposure.
One exclusive and comprehensive article detailing our experience, with credits to all participating suppliers. Submitted for publication in various and relevant media outlets.
Linked up
We'll link to your site from our site.
Copies and rights to all photography (both raw and edited) with a minimum of 150 total images.
web feature
You will get a listing on our website as one of the Top Adventures complete with the itinerary traveled.
catalog feature
Perhaps our crown jewel is the Annual Prospectus we're putting together. While we can't spill ALL the beans, it will include the top itineraries around the world, and will available in both print and digital form. With national distribution across the US, it's just another way for your message to reach the masses. And you will have the opportunity to get a possible double-page feature spread.